The Feeding of the 5,000 | John 6:1-14

Today marks our last sermon in 1 Peter. Here in chap 5, Peter issues his final exhortations to these Christian communities scattered throughout Asia Minor. And he isn’t necessarily bringing up anything new rather he’s applying some of the themes he’s already discussed to the existing relationships in the community. The members of these budding…
We’re continuing our study in Paul’s letter to the Colossian church. And here in chapter 3, Paul turns his attention to the practical matters of the Christian faith… Notes
Today marks the beginning of the Eastertide season, which is the period from Easter culminating in Pentecost Sunday; when we’ll celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit. Last week we celebrated the resurrection of our Lord from the dead and bolstered our resolve to live with resurrection hope that our Lord is indeed making all…
As is our practice during this time of year, we are using these summer months to look at the OT. This year we wish to consider the “habits of grace” found in the pages of Scripture. Things like fellowship, forgiveness, mission, generosity, sabbath, and prayer. The Word of God is clear. Our lives are “all…
Today marks the beginning of our OT summer series and we’ll be looking at the Psalms of Ascent. Which are a collection of fifteen Psalms in the Psalter (Ps. 120-134). The Hebrew term for “ascent” carries the sense meaning “going up” or “ascending in procession.” Notes
Can you imagine going about your everyday routine and happening upon a heated exchange between individuals or groups at odds with one another? In today’s world, what would everyone do? Reach for their cell phones, record it then place the content in the annals of history through social media. In our text today, John captures…