Characteristics of Born-Again Exiles | 1 Peter 1:13-2:3

This Fall, we are walking through First Peter. We have experienced only
two sermons yet have already seen how rich and vibrant this epistle is.
Peter has many important things to say about what it means to be a
Christian living in a difficult world. Peter addresses his letter to “elect exiles”
(which is his term for “Christians”) and roots their identity in the gospel. At
the letter’s opening, Peter pours forth a passionate run-on sentence
praising the beauty of the salvation of Jesus Christ. Peter is clear from the
start; this occurs by God’s power. Because of His great mercy, God causes
us to be “born again to a living hope.” This is our source of joy and
confidence. It’s all grace. The same grace prophesied in scripture, and to
which angels marvel.


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