One of the best ways to meet people, develop relationships, and grow as a follower of Christ is to serve the local church. And it’s not just on the weekends! Serving opportunities are available seven days a week.
If you would like to serve on one or more teams below, please email
TCC’s service teams consist of 8-10 members. Service Team members assist with Sunday morning prep for Worship. Prepare communion, purchase fellowship supplies, greet members and guests, collect offertory, secure Education Building when children are inside for Sunday school, clean fellowship hall and lock buildings.
The Welcome Team consist of 6 members who greet and make our members and guests feel welcome. They give direction to nurseries, Sunday school classes, restrooms, and introduce new guests to our Pastors and Elders.
When church families experience a temporary setback such as an illness or injury, or the joy of childbirth, they may find that preparing meals is more of a chore; we help reduce that burden. We schedule, prepare, and deliver a few meals to those in need and in doing so, connect various members of our church community with each other. This is a ministry the whole church body can be involved in; whether you are the one in need of a meal or the one providing it, we reach out to you.
Mothers Of Preschoolers (MOPS) is committed to providing time, space, and provision to gather and support moms of young children. We meet on the second Monday morning of each month, from 9:30 – 11:30. Breakfast and childcare are provided so that moms can fellowship, share, and pray unencumbered. Mentor Mamas, who have been there and done that, also join the group to share wisdom, perspective, and a listening ear. We are supported by the International MOPS organization and use their online tools (check out our MOPS website by clicking HERE) to outreach to moms in the community and welcome them into our MOPS community, Tampa Covenant Church, and the family of Christ.
Vacation Bible School (VBS) is our annual Children’s Ministry event that takes place one week during the summer. VBS is a community-reaching opportunity that is fun, safe, Gospel-teaching, Kingdom-brining, and God-honoring event for young image-bearers.

This is open to youth (16 yrs. or above who have a driver’s license) & we are happy to provide volunteer hour documentation.
Would you like to feel more connected? Be part of a team? This is a great way to develop friendships assisting together and being part of the first impression of TCC! We have opportunities for you starting now! Click below to Sign Up for which week of the month you are available to assist. Feel free to contact the church office with any questions.