Our home groups are wonderful opportunities to build personal relationships and practice the application of the gospel in our lives. They meet anywhere from two to four times a month and serve as a wonderful entry point for those new to our church.



Lutz Home Group has the following format:

  • 15 minutes of snack and social time to allow everyone to arrive
  • 80 minutes of bible reading, discussion, and reflection
  • 25 minutes of sharing prayer requests and group prayer

Time of Meeting: Tuesday | 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Location: Rick & Deborah Donaldson’s Home

Contact: Rick Donaldson rickdonaldson@verizon.net


Books and Nurture is a small home group of fellow Christians, mostly from TCC, who like to read and enjoy sharing information and insight from their reading as seen through the filter of a Christian world view. The format has traditionally been one of individual book reports and discussion, but more recently has included a series of video-supported Bible studies. All meetings begin with a time of fellowship and light refreshments and conclude with a time of sharing and prayer.

Time of Meeting: Sunday Evenings, as determined by members needs | 6:30 p.m.

Location: Frank & Joyce Taylor’s Home

Contact: Frank Taylor fmarr3@aol.com


*TCC Virtual Home Group is currently on summer break. See you in the fall!*

This virtual home group from all over the Tampa Bay Area from Zephyrhills to St. Petersburg gathers online to worship God, study His Word, fellowship with one another and support each other through prayer. We will also seek to find ways to service our community together. Currently, we are studying 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus. We welcome others to join us!

Time of Meeting: 1st & 3rd Mondays | 7:00 p.m.

Location: Zoom

Contact: Kevin Nobles kevin@noblesresearch.com


*The OC Life is currently on summer break. See you in the fall!*

OC Life Home Group continues its sermon series discussing the Sunday morning sermons. We carve out time for relaxation and fellowship at the beginning, followed by the sermon discussion, and close out our time in prayer.

Meeting Date: 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month | 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Location: Jim & Meredith Taylor’s Home – 11808 Vera Ave., Tampa, FL 33618

Contact: Jim Taylor jamesctaylorfl@gmail.com or Meredith Taylor mg.holliman@gmail.com

Childcare: We have childcare arrangements for ages 3-12. High school members of Tampa Covenant Church watch our kids at the home of Gabe and Heather Bush, neighbors of the Taylor family. Cost is very affordable. Newborns and toddlers are welcome to the Home Group.


Gathering a half-mile from church, the TCC Neighborhood home group focuses on fellowship, prayer, and conversation about the most recent sermon.

Time of Meeting: 1st & 3rd Sundays | 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Location: 12705 Waterbury Lane, Tampa, FL

Childcare: Childcare is available.

Contact: Alex and Kelly Fernandez afernandez75@gmail.com


West Side Home Group meets in the West Chase to enjoy a meal together, talk about what’s happening in each other lives, pray and encourage one another and have fun playing games.

Time of Meeting: 2nd Saturday | 5:45 p.m.

Location: Our group meets in the Westchase area.

Contact: Richard Mayer rich.e.mayer@gmail.com


One of the most beautiful parts of God’s design of the church is living in community with one another. We were not created to live in isolation. It is easy to put on a smile & pass each other by on a Sunday morning without acknowledging the weighty things of life: relationships, marriage, parenting, school, work, etc. Our hope is for this time together to serve the church by sharing life together. We will gather twice a month on Thursday nights with the same people to share life together, pray for one another & press each other on to live faithfully before God & before the world. May we sharpen each other & cultivate worship in our daily lives. Children & families are encouraged to come together. Initially we will fellowship all together with adequate space for kids to play & be among us. Later we plan to divide men & women for more concentrated time of prayer & accountability. All ages are welcome!

Time of Meeting: Thursdays (twice a month) | 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Location: Nathan & Katie Moats Home

Contact: Nathan and Katie Moats at natekatemoats@gmail.com


The Ulmer/Reinke Group will kick off its first meeting on Sunday, January 26th. This group will meet for fellowship, lunch, and a devotional with brief discussion and prayer for one another.

Time of Meeting: Sunday | 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Location: Reinke’s Home – 11007 Carrollwood Drive, Tampa, FL.

Contact: Jim Ulmer at 804-564-9903 or rjujau@gmail.com