God has been drawing the nations to Himself since creation and calls His followers to partner with Him in making obedient disciples and planting churches that thrive and multiply for His name sake. TCC is joining Him in this task because we desire to see Christ treasured in the hearts and modeled in the lives of all people. It is in this context that TCC holds to the following convictions:
- We believe we are called to minister to both reached and unreached peoples. This ministry should include evangelizing, church-planting, teaching, discipling and assisting people in both of these groups.
- We believe in God making all things new. His renewing work results in redemption of more than just the soul, encompassing all areas of life and culture. He calls his people to lay down their lives and to holistically follow Jesus.
- We believe the church is missional and that, just as the gospel is needed and should be delivered to remote countries, it is also necessary in our homes and across the street.

Andrew & Dawn Tlucek
Having grown up the daughter of missionary parents in Haiti, Dawn Tlucek has returned to Haiti as a member of Reciprocal Ministries International (RMI). The work of RMI places great emphasis on evangelism and church planting in unreached areas but also includes efforts in discipleship, social compassion, education, and community development. A unique aspect of RMI is its history of enabling churches in the USA to personally partner with them in the actual performance of various aspects of their work.
Website: actingonfaith.org

Steve and Christy Shepard
Church Planting International – The Amazon rain forest of eastern Peru and the Sierra Madre of western Mexico have been the major sites of activity for CPI, headed by Steve Shepard. Work in both nations has centered around several unreached native tribes and has specialized in the training of pastors and the construction of church buildings. As needs have arisen, additional compassion efforts have included shipments of food, arranging for medical and optical clinics, flood relief, and providing start-up funds for small businesses.
Website: churchplantinginternational.org

Liana Alleyne
Awakening Tokyo Church has a huge heart for Christian evangelism throughout all of Asia, starting in the influential capital city of Tokyo, Japan. If the capital of Japan can experience breakthrough and revival then the entire nation of Japan and surrounding nations are sure to follow. The church vision is to establish Asian churches under God on the foundation of the Gospel united in Christ and with the one purpose of advancing God’s Kingdom on earth. On average, the Awakening Tokyo Church has witnessed 1 new salvation every month to date which is practically unheard of in Japan.
In order to streamline and continue your donations to my ministry in Japan, I set up a new donation missionary account through “Modern Day Missions,” an interdenominational Christian missionary support organization. Modern Day Missions is an accredited member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) and an IRS approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Modern Day Missions will only use 6% of each dollar donated for administrative fees.
Website: https://www.modernday.org/

OMF – Tai Dam
The Tai Dam (or Black Thai) are an unreached minority group in Southeast Asia with less than 0.1% Christians. We partner with a family* who is working with the Tai Dam to see churches planted and to provide God’s Word to them in their heart language. They are helping local Christians create and utilize an Oral Bible in their own language. They are currently working on selection and translation of Bible stories, and training local Christians in evangelism and reproducible church planting.
* Names and individual details are not listed for security reasons due to their location. Please contact the church office for contact information.

Mike and Becky Kuelker
As part of the International Association of Missions (IAM) since 1997, Mike and Becky Kuelker work among the Huichol Indians of west-central Mexico near the city of Tepic. The Huichol claim descent from the ancient Aztecs, still speak a variant of the Aztec language, engage in shaman-like worship practices, and for centuries have tended to isolate themselves from outside influences. In recent years a number of churches have sprung up and it is among these that the Kuelkers work, providing leadership training, leading Bible studies, and engaging in children’s ministries.
Website: iamtoday.us

Richard and Robyn Crane
Richard Crane grew up as the son of missionaries in Chile and later, after studying at Covenant College and Covenant Seminary, he and his wife Robyn served under the Mission to the World (PCA) in Chile for 23 years. What has been most rewarding and exciting to them has been their leadership training in Cuba since 2003. The gospel in Cuba is spreading rapidly and the church is in great demand for providing trained leadership and healing of broken families. Between 2014 and 2019 a total of seventy-eight Christian family counselors have graduated from two-year programs that Richard had established. At present Richard and Robyn are in the process of creating a movement of counselor training at the local church level, as well as teaching a master´s degree course in Christian family counseling at a well-known seminary in Cuba. Richard and Robyn are part of the TCC family and live in Lutz, Florida.

Frank & Ari Batista
Los Pinos Nuevos, Cuba; church planting in Havana to unreached urban groups.

Rachel Christofel
The Navigators college ministries are active on 160 campuses across the nation. We offer encouragement, support, and Life-to-Life™ discipleship on campus, sharing Jesus with about forty thousand students each year. Rachel Christofel serves as the Associate Campus Director at the University of South Florida, investing in and equipping students and staff to share the Gospel of Jesus on campus and grow in their faith. The Navigators at USF belief that these foundations will set them up to pursue Jesus for a lifetime and reach the nations for Him. Rachel also serves on the National Collegiate Leadership team and helps train staff nationally as part of the Cultural Development team, equipping staff to think with a kingdom mindset about God’s purpose for community made up of people from all ethnic backgrounds.
Website: usfnavs.com

Aldo and Abby Mondin
USF Reformed University Fellowship; college ministry at USF evangelizing, teaching, and discipling.
Website: ruf.org/ministry/university-of-south-florida/

Melody Hatcher
Melody Hatcher’s ministry call came from Acts 17:26-27. If Melody could do only one thing the rest of her life, it would be to love others. Serving full-time with NBS2GO (Neighbor Bible Study 2GO) a ministry of Cru she gets to go one step further: love the neighbors whom God has intentionally placed in her spheres of influence and lead others to do likewise. As a neighboring specialist, Melody loves leading a neighbor Bible study, prayer/dog walking her neighborhood, hosting Christmas and Easter outreaches, welcoming new neighbors with banana bread, and building relationships with over 100 of her 217 neighbors. As a social media team member, she generates new content that enables people around the world to love their neighbors well.
Website: nbs2go.com

Aislinn Meyer
Aislinn serves on the Serge Renewal team, which supports Serge’s overall mission by developing and delivering programs and resources to a global audience to help nurture spiritual renewal that fuels grace-based mission. In her role, she supports Serge’s publications program and serves as a mentor and trainer in gospel-centered discipleship.
Website: serge.org

Front row (L-R): Amanda, Cindy, Vivian
Compass Ministries
The lives of missionaries and their families bear a unique set of mental, emotional, and spiritual strains which can be felt both on assignment and upon return to the USA. Compass Ministries is a mission care service which provides the necessary support for missionaries and their families as they face such strains. This is accomplished through counseling, training, and retreat events in order to enhance missionary resilience and to strengthen their overall mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
Website: compass-ministries.net

New Hearts Outreach
New Hearts Outreach is a Tampa-based ministry dedicated to the healing of individuals struggling with various forms of sexual addiction, including pornography, prostitution, and homosexuality. Methods used include one-on-one counseling, support group participation, and daily accountability – all on a background of didactic Bible-based teaching, prayer, and reliance on God’s grace for ultimate restoration of sexual and relational wholeness.
Website: restoredhopenetwork.org

New Life Solutions
A ministry offering support to women, New Life Solutions provides a multi-faceted program of assistance to those facing life-changing decisions related to pregnancy. The ministry is dedicated to providing factual information about pregnancy, thus empowering women to make healthy and informed decisions. Services include pregnancy tests, health and safety checklists, ultra-sound examinations, life-affirming counseling, and pregnancy support groups. Also included are programs for middle school and high school youth to promote healthy life styles, single parent residential services, and post-abortion grief recovery counseling.
Website: newlifesolutions.org

US Institute Against Human Trafficking
The US Institute Against Human Trafficking is a nonprofit, faith-based organization anointed by God to fight against human trafficking with truth and integrity while showing love and integrity to all involved. Its ultimate vision is to put a complete end to human trafficking in America. Efforts toward that end have included prevention, rescue of victims, combating demand, and providing safe refuge for the restoration of survivors. To date, TCC has been involved by providing monetary support and helping to publicize needs and events. Future considerations include provision of volunteer services for a local safe house.
Website: usiaht.org

International Students, Inc (ISI)
International Students, Inc. exists to share Christ’s love with international students and to equip them for effective service in cooperation with the local church and others.
Website: International Students Inc.

Operation Christmas Child
Demonstrating God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Samaritan’s Purse partners with the local church worldwide to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations.
Website: samaritanspurse.org/operation-christmas-child

Bags Of Hope
TCC hosts a collection drive for basic toiletries every year so bags can be made by volunteers and shared with those we encounter in our daily lives who are in need.

OPUS is an art exhibition, hosted by Tampa Covenant that engages the visual Art community and provides an amazing gallery experience for our neighborhood. It is free both to show in and free to attend. There is no cost to the artist, no gallery fee, and OPUS does not take a percentage of any sales of the art. This is a wonderful way to offer up our unique industrial-modern space to bless the arts community and our city with the creative.
Visit opustampa.com to find out more!
If you would like to volunteer for the next Opus Art Exhibit, please contact the church office at admin@tampacovenant.org or 813-968-2979.

Fall Festival
Our annual Fall Festival returns Saturday, October 26th from 3:00PM – 5:30PM!
NEW THIS YEAR: Costume Contest Categories (sign up online)! Invite friends and family! Activities include chili and dessert contests, caricature artists, a balloon lady, cotton candy, Kona Ice, bounce houses, and so much more!
Sign Up for the Chili Contest Here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0849AEAA29A4F9C16-50753111-chili#/
Sign Up for the Dessert Contest Here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0849AEAA29A4F9C16-51158041-dessert#/
Sign Up for the Costume Contest or to Volunteer Here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0849AEAA29A4F9C16-49976256-fall#/

Homeschool Co-Op
Tampa Covenant Homeschoolers, Inc. is a non-profit serving homeschool families in the Tampa Bay Area. We provide classes, field trips, parent education, special events, family support, and more.
Click HERE for more information.

Abe Brown Ministries
Kevin Nobles kwnobles1@gmail.com

Compass Ministries
Debbie Siering debsiering@hotmail.com
Mission Statement: We exist to demonstrate the love of Christ to the Compass Ministries staff and to missionary families they serve, including the Ruth House.

College Ministries – RUF & NAVS
Shawn Nobles snobles11@verizon.net
Anne Brown annebrown1979@gmail.com
We partner with campus ministries in the sharing of the gospel and the encouragement of college students in our congregation.

Cornerstone Family Ministries
Ginny Parsley ginnyparsley@gmail.com
David Parsley dparlseyuva@gmail.com
Mission Statement:
Supports CFM is to make a lasting and positive impact in the lives of economically disadvantaged children and their families in our community by nurturing young bodies, developing young minds, and fostering hope through Christ…One Child at a time.
Outreach Opportunities:
Cornerstore Garden
Volunteer Application for Cornerstone Volunteers

New Life Solutions
Patty DiPanflo pdipanfilo@yahoo.com

Dorothy Thomas School
Sue Allen sallen1948@aol.com
Deborah Donaldson dbdnole@gmail.com
Mission Statement: The Dorothy Thomas City Group of Tampa Covenant Church seeks to demonstrate the love of Christ in serving the staff, students, and families of the Dorothy Thomas Exceptional Center by providing encouragement, academic assistance, and practical support.

International Students, Inc (ISI)
Shawn Nobles snobles11@verizon.net
Gwyn Welford gwyn.welford@gmail.com
Mission Statement:
To support, encourage, and share the gospel with our community of international students and their families in partnership with International Student, Inc.